+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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+ author = "Donald E. Knuth",
+ title = "改訂新版 {\TeX}ブック",
+ publisher = "アスキー",
+ isbn = "4-7561-0120-8",
+ year = 1992,
+ author = "Leslie Lamport",
+ title = "文書処理システム{\LaTeX}",
+ publisher = "アスキー",
+ isbn = "4-7561-0784-2",
+ year = 1990,
+ author = "Leslie Lamport",
+ title = "文書処理システム{\LaTeXe}",
+ publisher = "ピアソン・エディケーション",
+ isbn = "4-89471-139-7",
+ year = 1999,
+ author = "Michel Goosens and Frank Mittelbach and Alexander Samarin",
+ title = "The {\LaTeX}コンパニオン",
+ publisher = "アスキー",
+ isbn = "4-7561-1813-5",
+ year = 1998,
+ author = "Michel Goosens and Sebastian Rahtz and Frank Mittelbach",
+ title = "{\LaTeX}グラフィックスコンパニオン",
+ publisher = "アスキー",
+ isbn = "4-7561-3461-0",
+ year = 2000,
+ author = "Michel Goosens and Sebastian Rahtz and Frank Mittelbach",
+ title = "{\LaTeX} Web コンパニオン",
+ publisher = "アスキー",
+ isbn = "4-7561-3973-6",
+ year = 2001,
+ author = "Robert J. Chassekk and Richard M. Stallman",
+ title = "{GNU}リファレンスマニュアル Texinfo",
+ publisher = "アジソン・ウェスレイ",
+ isbn = "4-7952-9684-7",
+ year = 1996,
+ author = "Victor Eijkhout",
+ title = "{\TeX} by Topic {\TeX}をより深く知るための39章",
+ publisher = "アスキー",
+ isbn = "4-7561-3067-4",
+ year = 1999,
+ author = "インプレス・ラボ",
+ yomi = "Impress",
+ title = "{\TeX} for Windows",
+ publisher = "インプレス",
+ isbn = "4-8443-4652-0",
+ year = 1994,
+ author = "ページ・エンタープライゼズ(株)",
+ yomi = "PageEnterprises",
+ title = "{\LaTeXe}[マクロ{\&}クラス]プログラミング基礎解説",
+ publisher = "技術評論社",
+ isbn = "4-7741-1546-0",
+ year = 2002,
+ note = "吉永徹美,本田知亮の共著",
+ author = "Paul W. Abrahams",
+ title = "明快{\TeX}",
+ publisher = "アジソン・ウェスレイ",
+ isbn = "4-7952-9643-X",
+ year = 1997,
+ note = "``\TeX\ for Impatient''の邦訳",
+ author = "磯崎 秀樹",
+ yomi = "Hideki Isozaki",
+ title = "{\LaTeX}自由自在",
+ publisher = "サイエンス社",
+ isbn = "4-7819-0657-5",
+ year = 1992,
+ author = "奥村 晴彦",
+ yomi = "Haruhiko Okumura",
+ title = "{\LaTeX}美文書作成入門",
+ publisher = "技術評論社",
+ isbn = "4-87408-469-9",
+ year = 1991,
+ author = "奥村 晴彦",
+ yomi = "Haruhiko Okumura",
+ title = "{\LaTeX}入門 美文書作成のポイント",
+ publisher = "技術評論社",
+ isbn = "4-7741-0091-9",
+ year = 1994,
+ author = "奥村 晴彦",
+ yomi = "Haruhiko Okumura",
+ title = "{\LaTeXe}美文書作成入門",
+ publisher = "技術評論社",
+ isbn = "4-7741-0481-7",
+ year = 1997,
+ author = "奥村 晴彦",
+ yomi = "Haruhiko Okumura",
+ title = "[改訂版]{\LaTeXe}美文書作成入門",
+ publisher = "技術評論社",
+ isbn = "4-7741-1107-4",
+ year = 2000,
+ author = "奥村 晴彦",
+ yomi = "Haruhiko Okumura",
+ title = "[改訂第3版]{\LaTeXe}美文書作成入門",
+ publisher = "技術評論社",
+ isbn = "4-7741-1940-7",
+ year = 2004,
+ author = "奥村 晴彦",
+ yomi = "Haruhiko Okumura",
+ title = "[改訂第4版]{\LaTeXe}美文書作成入門",
+ publisher = "技術評論社",
+ isbn = "978-4-7741-2984-6",
+ year = 2007,
+ author = "奥村 晴彦",
+ yomi = "Haruhiko Okumura",
+ title = "[改訂第5版]{\LaTeXe}美文書作成入門",
+ publisher = "技術評論社",
+ isbn = "978-4-7741-4319-4",
+ year = 2010,
+ author = "奥村 晴彦 and 黒木 裕介",
+ yomi = "Haruhiko Okumura and Yusuke Kuroki",
+ title = "[改訂第6版]{\LaTeXe}美文書作成入門",
+ publisher = "技術評論社",
+ isbn = "978-4-7741-6045-0",
+ year = 2013,
+ author = "乙部 巌己 and 江口 庄英",
+ yomi = "Yoshiki Otobe and Shouei Eguchi",
+ title = "{p\LaTeXe} for Windows Another Manual Vol.1 Basic Kit 1999",
+ publisher = "ソフトバンク",
+ isbn = "4-7973-0718-8",
+ year = 1998,
+ author = "乙部 巌己 and 江口 庄英",
+ yomi = "Yoshiki Otobe and Shouei Eguchi",
+ title = "{p\LaTeXe} for Windows Another Manual Vol.2 Extended Kit",
+ publisher = "ソフトバンク",
+ isbn = "4-7973-0267-4",
+ year = 1997,
+ author = "海上 忍 and 黒川 弘章",
+ yomi = "Shinobu Unakami and Hiroaki Kurokawa",
+ title = "これだけでできる{\LaTeX}実践活用ガイド",
+ publisher = "技術評論社",
+ isbn = "4-7741-1050-7",
+ year = 2000,
+ author = "吉永 徹美",
+ yomi = "Tetsumi Yoshinaga",
+ title = "{\LaTeXe}[マクロ{\&}クラス]プログラミング実践解説",
+ publisher = "技術評論社",
+ isbn = "4-7741-1758-7",
+ year = 2003,
+ author = "今井 康之 and 刀祢 宏三郎 and 美吉 明浩",
+ yomi = "Yasuyuki Imai and Kozaburo Tone and Akihiro Miyoshi",
+ title = "{\LaTeX}スタイルマクロポケットリファレンス",
+ publisher = "技術評論社",
+ isbn = "4-7741-0470-1",
+ year = 1997,
+ note = "奥村晴彦(監修)",
+ author = "鷺谷 好輝",
+ yomi = "Yoshiteru Sagiya",
+ title = "日本語{\LaTeX}定番スタイル集 No.1",
+ publisher = "インプレス",
+ isbn = "4-8443-4602-4",
+ year = 1992,
+ author = "鷺谷 好輝",
+ yomi = "Yoshiteru Sagiya",
+ title = "日本語{\LaTeX}定番スタイル集 No.2",
+ publisher = "インプレス",
+ isbn = "4-8443-4618-0",
+ year = 1993,
+ author = "鷺谷 好輝",
+ yomi = "Yoshiteru Sagiya",
+ title = "日本語{\LaTeX}縦組スペシャル定番スタイル集 No.3",
+ publisher = "インプレス",
+ isbn = "4-8443-4655-5",
+ year = 1994,
+ author = "小浪 吉史",
+ yomi = "Yoshifumi Konami",
+ title = "{p\LaTeXe} for Linux",
+ publisher = "テクノプレス",
+ isbn = "4-924998-36-2",
+ year = 1999,
+ author = "生田 誠三",
+ yomi = "Seizou Ikuta",
+ title = "{\LaTeXe}文典",
+ publisher = "朝倉書店",
+ isbn = "4-254-12140-7",
+ year = 2000,
+ author = "生田 誠三",
+ yomi = "Seizou Ikuta",
+ title = "{\LaTeXe}入門",
+ publisher = "朝倉書店",
+ isbn = "4-254-12157-1",
+ year = 2003,
+ author = "大野 義夫",
+ yomi = "Yoshio Oono",
+ title = "{\TeX}入門",
+ publisher = "共立出版",
+ isbn = "4-320-02488-5",
+ year = 1989,
+ author = "中野 賢",
+ yomi = "Ken Nakano",
+ title = "日本語{\LaTeXe}ブック",
+ publisher = "アスキー",
+ isbn = "4-7561-1667-1",
+ year = 1996,
+ author = "嶋田 隆司",
+ yomi = "Takashi Shimada",
+ title = "{\LaTeXe}アドバンスドガイド",
+ publisher = "ディー・アート",
+ isbn = "4-88648-643-6",
+ year = 2002,
+ author = "藤田 眞作",
+ yomi = "Shinsaku Fujita",
+ title = "化学者・生化学者のための{\LaTeX}",
+ publisher = "東京化学同人",
+ isbn = "4-8079-0386-1",
+ year = 1993,
+ author = "藤田 眞作",
+ yomi = "Shinsaku Fujita",
+ title = "{\LaTeX}まくろの八衢",
+ publisher = "アジソン・ウェスレイ",
+ isbn = "4-7952-9664-2",
+ year = 1995,
+ author = "藤田 眞作",
+ yomi = "Shinsaku Fujita",
+ title = "{\LaTeX}本づくりの八衢",
+ publisher = "アジソン・ウェスレイ",
+ isbn = "4-7952-9679-0",
+ year = 1996,
+ author = "藤田 眞作",
+ yomi = "Shinsaku Fujita",
+ title = "{\LaTeXe}階梯",
+ publisher = "アジソン・ウェスレイ",
+ isbn = "4-7952-9685-5",
+ year = 1996,
+ author = "藤田 眞作",
+ yomi = "Shinsaku Fujita",
+ title = "続{\LaTeXe}階梯・縦組編",
+ publisher = "アジソン・ウェスレイ",
+ isbn = "4-7952-9732-0",
+ year = 1998,
+ author = "藤田 眞作",
+ yomi = "Shinsaku Fujita",
+ title = "{p\LaTeXe}入門・縦横文書術",
+ publisher = "ピアソン・エディケーション",
+ isbn = "4-89471-196-6",
+ year = 2000,
+ author = "藤田 眞作",
+ yomi = "Shinsaku Fujita",
+ title = "{\LaTeXe}階梯 第2版",
+ publisher = "ピアソン・エディケーション",
+ isbn = "4-89471-239-3",
+ year = 2000,
+ author = "藤田 眞作",
+ yomi = "Shinsaku Fujita",
+ title = "{\LaTeXe}コマンドブック",
+ publisher = "ソフトバンク",
+ isbn = "4-7973-2280-2",
+ year = 2003,
+ author = "阿瀬 はる美",
+ yomi = "Harumi Ase",
+ title = "てくてく{\TeX}〈上〉",
+ publisher = "アスキー",
+ isbn = "4-7561-0222-0",
+ year = 1994,
+ author = "阿瀬 はる美",
+ yomi = "Harumi Ase",
+ title = "てくてく{\TeX}〈下〉",
+ publisher = "アスキー",
+ isbn = "4-7561-0223-9",
+ year = 1994,
+ author = "本田 知亮",
+ yomi = "Tomonori Honda",
+ title = "{\LaTeXe}標準コマンド ポケットリファレンス",
+ publisher = "技術評論社",
+ isbn = "4-7741-2423-0",
+ year = 2005,
+ author = "皆本 晃弥",
+ yomi = "Teruya Minamoto",
+ title = "やさしく学べる{p\LaTeXe}入門",
+ publisher = "サイエンス社",
+ isbn = "4-7819-1032-7",
+ year = 2003,
+ author = "吉永 徹美",
+ yomi = "Tetsumi Yoshinaga",
+ title = "{\LaTeX}入門",
+ year = 2004,
+ note = "オンラインドキュメント
+ author = "渡辺 徹",
+ yomi = "Tooru Watanabe",
+ title = "好き好き{\LaTeXe}初級編",
+ year = 2004,
+ note = "オンラインドキュメント
+ author = "市村 匠 and 原 章",
+ yomi = "Takumi Ichimura and Akira Hara",
+ title = "基礎からの{\LaTeX} {\LaTeX}使ってマル秀文書作成マスター",
+ publisher = "セレンディップ",
+ year = 2004,
+ isbn = "4-7978-2057-8",
+ author = "横尾 英俊",
+ yomi = "Hidetoshi Yokoo",
+ title = "{\LaTeX}ユーザのためのレポート・論文作成入門",
+ publisher = "共立出版",
+ isbn = "4-320-00565-1",
+ year = 2002,
+ author = "暗黒団編集部",
+ yomi = "ankokudan",
+ title = "{p\LaTeX}初級リファレンス",
+ publisher = "暗黒通信団",
+ isbn = "4-87310-080-1",
+ year = 2003,
+ author = "嶋田 隆司",
+ yomi = "Takashi Shimada",
+ title = "{\LaTeXe}まるごと数式",
+ publisher = "ディー・アート",
+ isbn = "4-88648-715-7",
+ year = 2003,
+ author = "ずうこむ",
+ yomi = "zoocom",
+ title = "{\LaTeXe}でエレガントな論文を書く",
+ publisher = "サイエンティスト社 ",
+ isbn = "4-914903-93-8",
+ year = 2002,
+ author = "Tobias Oetiker",
+ title = "{\LaTeXe}への道",
+ year = 2000,
+ note = "``The Not So Short Introduction to {\LaTeXe}''の邦訳,
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\ No newline at end of file
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+\chapter{\TeX とその仲間}
+\section{\TeX って何?}
+\section{\TeX の読み方・書き方}
+\section{\LaTeX って何?}
+\section{\TeX の処理方式}
+\section{\TeX の出力}
+\section{\TeX と日本語}
+\section{その他の\TeX の仲間}
+\section{\TeX のライセンス}
+\section{\TeX の配布}
+\section{Webで\LaTeX を試してみよう}
+\section{Sync\TeX の使い方}
-\chapter{\LaTeX2e の基本}
+\chapter{\LaTeXe の基本}
-\section{\LaTeX2e の入力・印刷の完全な例}
+\section{\LaTeXe の入力・印刷の完全な例}
+\section{\LaTeX と図}
+\section{\LaTeX での図の読み込み方}
+\section{\LaTeX 標準の罫線}
+\section{\TeX でのフォントの仕組み}
-\section{TeX Gyreフォント集}
+\section{\TeX Gyreフォント集}
+\section{p\TeX の和文フォントの仕組み}
+\section{文字コードとp\TeX }
+\section{\LaTeX のスタイルファイル}
+\chapter{\LaTeX による入稿}
+\section{\LaTeX 原稿を入稿する場合}
+\section{\LaTeX で処理}
+\chapter{\TeX によるプレゼンテーション}
+\section{\TeX のディレクトリ構成}
+\chapter{\TeX 関連の情報源}
--- /dev/null
+\chapter{\TeX って何?}
+\chapter{\LaTeXe の基本}
+\chapter{\LaTeX による入稿}
+\chapter{\LaTeXe における多言語処理}
+\chapter{\TeX 関連の情報源}
--- /dev/null
+\chapter{\TeX とその仲間}
+\section{\TeX って何?}
+\section{\TeX の読み方・書き方}
+\section{\LaTeX って何?}
+\section{\TeX の処理方式}
+\section{\TeX の出力}
+\section{\TeX と日本語}
+\section{その他の\TeX の仲間}
+\section{\TeX のライセンス}
+\section{\TeX の配布}
+\section{Webで\LaTeX を試してみよう}
+\section{Sync\TeX の使い方}
+\chapter{\LaTeXe の基本}
+\section{\LaTeXe の入力・印刷の完全な例}
+\section{\LaTeX と図}
+\section{\LaTeX での図の読み込み方}
+\section{\textbackslash includegraphicsの詳細}
+\section{\LaTeX 標準の罫線}
+\section{\textbackslash index命令の詳細}
+\section{p\BibTeX の実行例}
+\section{\BibTeX のこれから}
+\section{\TeX でのフォントの仕組み}
+\section{Computer Modern}
+\section{Latin Modern}
+\section{\TeX Gyreフォント集}
+\section{p\TeX の和文フォントの仕組み}
+\section{文字コードとp\TeX }
+\section{\LaTeX のスタイルファイル}
+\chapter{\LaTeX による入稿}
+\section{\LaTeX 原稿を入稿する場合}
+\section{\LaTeX で処理}
+\chapter{\TeX によるプレゼンテーション}
+\section{TeX Live}
+\section{\TeX のディレクトリ構成}
+\chapter{\TeX 関連の情報源}
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+c3 = circle(H, radius(incircle(A, B, C)))
+I = projection(E, line(A.B))
+J = projection(E, line(B.C))
+K = projection(E, line(C.A))
+ (A.B.C)
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+ c3
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+ E, I, B right
+ E, J, C right
+ E, K, A right
+ D, F, A right
+ B, A, C double
--- /dev/null
+box -2,-2,18,8
+A B C triangle 13,5,12
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+D = center(c1)
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+E = center(c2)
+F = intersection(line(A.C), perpendicular(line(A.C), D))
+G = point(circle(A, B, C), arg(line(D.F)):)
+H = midpoint(F.G)
+c3 = circle(H, radius(incircle(A, B, C)))
+I = projection(E, line(B.C))
+J = projection(E, line(A.B))
+K = projection(E, line(A.C))
+L = intersection(line(A.B), line(K.E))
+M = projection(L, line(B.C))
+ (A.B.C)
+ c1 0: 180:
+ c2
+ c3
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+ E.I dashed
+ E.J dashed
+ K.L dashed
+ L.M dashed
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+ E, K, A right
+ M, L, E right
+ B, A, C double
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+ B, L, M double
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+\usepackage[dvipdfm,pdftitle={算法少女 問題1 解答}]{hyperref}
+直線$AB$、直線 $BC$ 、直線 $CA$ はそれぞれEを中心とする小円の接線。
+その接点をそれぞれ $I$、$J$、$K$ とする。
+さらに、小円の半径を1、外接円の半径をR、${\angle}CAB=\theta^{\circ}$ とする。
+まず、$AB$ を調べる。
+$AB$ は外接円の直径のため、
+ AB = 2R \label{eq:ab1}
+ AB = AI + IB \label{eq:ab21}
+$AI$ と $AK$ はどちらも点 $A$ を通り、点 $E$ を中心とする小円の接線のため、
+ AI = AK \label{eq:ai1}
+ AC = AK + KC \notag \\
+ AK = AC - KC \label{eq:ak1}
+三角形 $ABC$ において ${\angle}BCA = 90^{\circ}、{\angle}CAB = {\theta}^{\circ}$より、
+ AC = AB{\cos}{\theta} \label{eq:ac11}
+\ref{eq:ab1}、\ref{eq:ac11} より、
+ AC = 2R{\cos}{\theta} \label{eq:ac1}
+$KC$ と$EJ$ は正方形 $EJCK$ の2辺のため、
+ KC = EJ \label{eq:kc1}
+ EJ = 1 \label{eq:ej}
+\ref{eq:kc1}、\ref{eq:ej} より、
+ KC = 1 \label{eq:kc}
+\ref{eq:ak1}、\ref{eq:ac1}、\ref{eq:kc} より、
+ AK = 2R{\cos}{\theta} - 1 \label{eq:ak}
+\ref{eq:ai1}、\ref{eq:ak} より、
+ AI = 2R{\cos}{\theta} - 1 \label{eq:ai}
+また、$IB$ と $BJ$ はどちらも点 $B$ を通り、点 $E$ を中心とする小円の接線のため、
+ IB = BJ \label{eq:ib11}
+ BC = BJ + JC \notag \\
+ BJ = BC - JC \label{eq:bj1}
+三角形 $ABC$ において ${\angle}BCA = 90^{\circ}、{\angle}CAB = {\theta}^{\circ}$より、
+ BC = AB{\sin}{\theta} \label{eq:bc11}
+\ref{eq:ab1}、\ref{eq:bc11} より、
+ BC = 2R{\sin}{\theta} \label{eq:bc1}
+$JC$ と$EJ$ は正方形 $EJCK$ の2辺のため、
+ JC = EJ \label{eq:jc1}
+\ref{eq:ej}、\ref{eq:jc1} より、
+ JC = 1 \label{eq:jc}
+\ref{eq:bj1}、\ref{eq:bc1}、\ref{eq:jc} より、
+ BJ = 2R{\sin}{\theta} - 1 \label{eq:bj}
+\ref{eq:ib11}、\ref{eq:bj} より、
+ IB = 2R{\sin}{\theta} - 1 \label{eq:ib}
+ AB = 2R{\cos}{\theta} -1 + 2R{\sin}{\theta} -1 \notag \\
+ AB = 2R{\sin}{\theta} + 2R{\cos}{\theta} - 2 \label{eq:ab2}
+\ref{eq:ab1}、\ref{eq:ab2} より、
+ 2R = 2R{\sin}{\theta} + 2R{\cos}{\theta} - 2 \notag \\
+ R({\sin}{\theta} + {\cos}{\theta} - 1) = 1 \label{eq:ab}
+次に、$DG$ を調べる。
+$DG$ は外接円の半径のため、
+ DG = R \label{eq:dg1}
+ DG = DF + FG \label{eq:dg21}
+三角形ADFにおいて ${\angle}AFD=90^{\circ}$、${\angle}DAF={\theta}^{\circ}$ より、
+ DF = AD{\sin}{\theta} \label{eq:df1}
+$AD$ は外接円の半径のため、
+ AD = R \label{eq:ad}
+\ref{eq:df1}、\ref{eq:ad} より、
+ DF = R{\sin}{\theta} \label{eq:df}
+ FG = 1 \times 2 \notag \\
+ FG = 2 \label{eq:fg}
+ DG = R{\sin}{\theta} + 2 \label{eq:dg2}
+ R = R{\sin}{\theta} + 2 \notag \\
+ R = \frac{2}{1 - {\sin}{\theta}} \label{eq:dg}
+ \left\{
+ \begin{array}{l}
+ R({\sin}{\theta} + {\cos}{\theta} - 1) = 1 \\
+ R = \dfrac{2}{1 - {\sin}{\theta}}
+ \end{array}
+ \right.
+ \frac{2({\sin}{\theta} + {\cos}{\theta} - 1)}{1 - {\sin}{\theta}} = 1 \\
+ 2{\sin}{\theta} + 2{\cos}{\theta} -2 = 1 - {\sin}{\theta} \\
+ {\cos}{\theta} = \frac{3}{2}(1 - {\sin}{\theta})
+${\sin}^2{\theta} + {\cos}^2{\theta} = 1$より、
+ {\sin}^2{\theta} + [\frac{3}{2}(1 - {\sin}{\theta})]^2 = 1 \\
+ 13{\sin}^2{\theta} - 18{\sin}{\theta} + 5 = 0 \\
+ {\sin}{\theta} = \frac{5}{13}, 1
+${\theta}$は直角三角形の一角の角度で $0^{\circ} < {\theta}^{\circ} < 90^{\circ}$ のため、$0 < {\sin}{\theta} < 1$。よって、
+ {\sin}{\theta} = \frac{5}{13} \label{eq:sintheta}
+ R = \frac{2}{1 - \frac{5}{13}} \notag \\
+ \therefore R = \frac{13}{4}
--- /dev/null
+ 「今、半円ノ内ニ、図ノ\ruby{如}{ごと}キ\ruby{勾股形}{こうこけい}(直角三
+ 角形)ト二円アリ・・・」
+ 半円に直角三角形を内接させ、この直角三角形の内接円と、弓形内に
+ えがいた最大の円があいひとしいときの外接円と小円の関係を問う。
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+\section{Latin Modern}
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+\section{p\TeX の和文フォントの仕組み}
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+\section{\TeX の配布}
+\section{Webで\LaTeX を試してみよう}
+\section{Sync\TeX の使い方}
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+\section{Computer Modern}
+\section{Latin Modern}
+\section{\TeX Gyreフォント集}
+\section{p\TeX の和文フォントの仕組み}
+\section{文字コードとp\TeX }
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+\section{\LaTeX で処理}
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+\section{\TeX って何?}
+\section{\TeX の読み方・書き方}
+\section{\LaTeX って何?}
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+\section{\TeX の出力}
+\section{\TeX と日本語}
+\section{その他の\TeX の仲間}
+\section{\TeX のライセンス}
+\section{\TeX の配布}
+\section{Webで\LaTeX を試してみよう}
+\section{Sync\TeX の使い方}
+\chapter{\LaTeXe の基本}
+\section{\LaTeXe の入力・印刷の完全な例}
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+\section{\BibTeX のこれから}
+\section{\TeX でのフォントの仕組み}
+\section{Computer Modern}
+\section{Latin Modern}
+\section{\TeX Gyreフォント集}
+\section{p\TeX の和文フォントの仕組み}
+\section{文字コードとp\TeX }
+\section{\LaTeX のスタイルファイル}
+\chapter{\LaTeX による入稿}
+\section{\LaTeX 原稿を入稿する場合}
+\section{\LaTeX で処理}
+\chapter{\TeX によるプレゼンテーション}
+\section{TeX Live}
+\section{\TeX のディレクトリ構成}
+\chapter{\TeX 関連の情報源}